Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The job search routine

I spent today at the NYU Career Resource Center on 14th Street trying to find a job. It worked out well: I applied to two temp agencies and sent a ton of letters to contacts I've made, friends and employers from recent times and years ago.
This place is excellent for my productivity. It's comfortable, spacious, quiet, and there are plenty of students doing the same searching I am. The computers have complete MS Office suites and free printing. I can even catch CNN playing on mute in the corner.
So, for now, this place can be my workplace, which I need. I realized my biggest depression in being unemployed comes from being at home in the morning after others have left for work. I'm much better off leaving with them and heading here, rather than stay at home.
There are three devils I have to fight in searching for a job: depression, distraction, and impatience. I think I can conquer the depression and distraction just by coming here. As for my impatience, it's just a matter of breathing, writing down my tasks and going easy on myself. I was searching online for some tips, and after reading many useless webpages, I came across the Goals To Action blog. Writer Rodger Constandse, from San Diego, put up this blog on productivity back in '07 and though it seems to have stopped running, the old posts are still worthwhile: try for an example.

So for tonight, I'm thinking boil it down to the basics: exercise, a simple dinner, and then hopefully prayer over at Riverside Church. Sounds healthy, and hopefully it'll give me some inspiration.

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